Poster De Conférence Année : 2017

Surface exposure dating of Lateglacial ice fluctuations in the upper Ariège catchment (France): inferences concerning paleoclimate and implications for Upper Paleolithic human dispersals through the Pyrenees. Session PP4-L10

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Dates et versions

hal-01951217 , version 1 (11-12-2018)


  • HAL Id : hal-01951217 , version 1


Magalie Delmas, C. Mahé, Yannick Crest, Regis Braucher, Marie Calvet, et al.. Surface exposure dating of Lateglacial ice fluctuations in the upper Ariège catchment (France): inferences concerning paleoclimate and implications for Upper Paleolithic human dispersals through the Pyrenees. Session PP4-L10. International Meeting on Sedimentology, Oct 2017, Toulouse, France. ⟨hal-01951217⟩
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