Submissions are done using your HAL's personal account, making sure to inform the affiliation as MICA Laboratory as well as your name in the “Authors and affiliations” tab during the submission process.
Copyright, under article 30 of the « Loi pour une République Numérique » (LRN) and signed contracts with the publishers determine and frame your rights to submit full texts on the open archives HAL. Find more information on the LRN by browsing through the FAQ of the website Couperin.
Two versions have to be distinguished
the author's version: the text in its last version as sent to the publisher
the publisher's version: the text as it was published
For the author's version
Four criteria are necessary to submit the author's version. If your publication corresponds with those, you can publish that version on HAL as you wish.
That publication is an article published in a periodical publication, French or otherwise, like a journal for example.
That publication has been published in a scientific journal and not in a popular review.
more than a year.
That publication is the result of a research that has been financed at least for 50% by your salary or wage if you are a researcher paid by the State or by public funding (regional, national or european projects, etc.).
Furthermore, should you not have signed a contract for transfer of copyright with the publisher, you will maintain your distribution rights for the author's version.
Should you publication not fit those criteria, it can be because, for example:
it is a book chapter or a whole book.
it has been published for less than a year.
It has been published in a popular review.
Then the LRN does not apply and it is necessary to refer to your publishing agreement:
Your copyright transfer with the publisher may be non-exclusive: you can submit the author's version to the open archives HAL.
Your agreement mentions the possibility to submit to the open archives: you can submit the author's version to the open archives HAL.
Your agreement with the publisher does not mention neither non-exclusive copyright transfer nor the possibility to submit to the open archive: you will need to ask prior authorisation to your publisher, even for the author's version.
For the publisher's version
For the publisher's version, it is mandatory to ask for the publisher's authorisation. Some publishers are transparent when it comes to their policies on the matter on their website or is directory such as Sherpa/Romeo or Héloïse or even directly on HAL (see here). In any case, it is mandatory to specify with the publisher which version is allowed to be distributed and when is the embargo lifted. Prior to signing the publishing agreement, it is preferable to ask those questions.
Three exceptions exist that would allow you to publish the publisher's version on the open archives HAL:
The publication is already in open access on the Internet, under free licence (think about linking back to the publisher's platform).
The publishing agreement elucidate that possibility.
Your publisher is among those that allow that practice (something you can check through Sherpa/Romeo or Héloïse).
It is also possible to sign a contract amendment with the publisher so as to formalize the approach.
The oldest publications are sometimes not commercialized any more by the publisher, or the publishing house does not exist any more. The lack of commercialisation could potentially revert the distribution rights to the author, allowing you to distribute them again. Your librarians are here to guide you walk you through the process and answer your questions. Do not hesitate to contact them by email.