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Welcome to the HAL Collection
  of the laboratory


The research activities of ICAR laboratory are pluridisciplinary and focus on the multidimensional analysis of language use –in social interactions or in written texts– with large corpus databases and tools for their use. The main research areas are: interactional linguistics, pluridisciplinary approaches to interaction, corpus linguistics, processing of spoken and written corpora, studies of the acquisition, teaching, and learning of language and science, French linguistics. ICAR comprisesthree research axes, corresponding to three research teams: Interactions: Forms, Practices, Situations Learning, discourse, interactions; linguistic, scientific and technical knowledge Syntax, Semantics, Semiotics. Corpora. Diachrony.


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Publishing Referent :
M. Santiago GUILLEN
Tél. 04 37 37 66 31
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  Archive créée et administrée sur la plateforme HAL du CCSD, et réalisée avec le soutien de la MSH de Dijon (voir leur collection HAL-SHS).