, My name is Viktoria, and I shall be seventeen next month. I am also affected with Moebius Syndrome, although I

, The next one (total eclipse) here in England will be in 2081 so I shall be old by then. on a Parents Forum

, htm I feel that is it is never to late in life to acquire new skills. I shall be seventy-five years next month and hope to be taking classes for the rest of my life, if my health will allow it

, Last year I informed my husband that I was involved with another woman and found this experience very fulfilling and wanted to continue on this path. I shall be divorced next month, & I am sure excommunication is not far away BIBLIOGRAPHY

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A. Henri and G. Jean-pierre, Déchiffrer la grammaire anglaise, p.320, 1996.

L. Arnovick, The "Wallis Rules" as Speech Act Prescriptions: an Illocutionary Re-evaluation, General Linguistics, vol.29, pp.150-158, 1989.

D. E. Baron, Grammar and Good Taste: Reforming the American Language, 1982.

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J. Bouscaren, Grammaire et Textes Anglais: Guide pour l'Analyse Linguistique, 1987.

C. Delmas, Faits de langue en anglais: Méthode et pratique de l'explication grammaticale, Séminaire Pratique de Linguistique Anglaise, pp.71-88, 1993.

J. Lapaire and W. Et-rotgé, , p.3, 1991.

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R. W. Zandvoort, Grammaire Descriptive de l'Anglais Contemporain, 1949.