Chapitre D'ouvrage Année : 2011

From football cliché to syntactic change: remarks on the phraseology of football


This article has three separate and apparently unconnected focuses: 1. To raise the profile of the language of sport, and more particularly that of football, as a site for further investigation in lexical and supralexical research, 2. To attempt a (re)definition of the terms cliché, a particular kind of fixed expression which is arguably under-researched in the literature on phraseology and which throws light on the relationship between phraseologisms and register. 3. To investigate the possibility that a particular recurrent syntactic frame associated for many speakers with football is spreading further afield and acting as the source of a major change in the tense-aspect system of British English. These three points, despite appearances, are in fact closely linked, in that the football register is a rich source of cliché, as the term will be defined here, and that it is a priori not absurd to hypothesize that, given the huge coverage afforded to football through the media, a syntactic cliché may not be having a huge effect on the language as a whole


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hal-02502116 , version 1 (29-10-2024)


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Jim Walker. From football cliché to syntactic change: remarks on the phraseology of football. Presses Universitaires de Perpignan. Les locutions de l'anglais - Emplois et stratégies rhétoriques / Fixed Phrases in English - Use and rhetorical strategies, 2011. ⟨hal-02502116⟩


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