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, Evpatoria 134

, Foça (Phokaia) 37 (Tab. 2), 38, 39, 39 (Fig. 6), vol.50, p.177

. Geto-dacia, , p.133

, Gródek nad Bugiem, vol.157, issue.8, p.159

, Gryneion, vol.20, p.50

, Halikarnassos 89

, Hama, vol.89, p.90

. Hamaxitus, Sanctuary of Apollon Smintheios 77 n, vol.23, p.95

=. Hippos and . Susita, , p.156

, Iatrus, vol.177, p.181

, Ilion, vol.39, p.176

, Illuraton, vol.156, issue.8

, Isa Bey, vol.110

, Italian Sigillata, vol.93, p.154

, Ionia 39

, Kadirgürü Mevkiisi, vol.95, p.45

K. Mevkiisi, Abb. 13) Knidos, vol.96, issue.11, p.45

, Abb. 5), 100 (Abb. 6), 102 (Abb. 11), vol.95, p.193

L. Ware, Oinophorenware), vol.15, issue.10, p.19

, Llíria 43

L. Ware, , vol.13, p.89

, Miletos, vol.34, p.39

, Meander valley 51, 51 (Fig. 5), vol.52, p.154

, Naukratis, vol.35, p.36

/. Nicea and . Iznik, , p.107

-. Non and . Esc, , vol.18, p.23

, Olbia, vol.45, p.133

O. Samian, , vol.161, p.171

, Palaepaphos 92

, Index Pamphylia (Pamphylien) 96 (Abb. 1), p.104

, Pantikapaion, vol.129, p.156

, Paphos, vol.88, p.90

, Parion, vol.155, p.191

, Pednelissos, vol.7, p.96

, Pergamon (city, pottery production centre) passim Pergamenian, p.12

. Pergamenian, , p.13

. Pergamenian, , p.13

B. Pergamenian-(sigillata and Z. , , p.12

. Pergamenische, Meyer-Schlichtmann) 14, 17 Fig. 7, 18 Fig. 8, 45, 83, 141, 145, 146 Fig. 17, 147 Fig, vol.18, pp.154-156

. Pergamene, , vol.45, pp.174-175

. Pergamon, Gate of Philetairos 12

. Pergamon, , vol.25, p.151

. Pergamon, , vol.11, p.172

. Pergamon, , vol.109, p.116

. Phokaia/gryneion,

. Pisidia, Pitane cf, vol.92, p.44

, Pontic Sigillata, vol.43

, Red-gloss wares of the Pergamon region 14 Rotfi rniskeramik 14

A. K. Sagalassos and . Temple, , vol.84, pp.89-124

. Sagalassos, Eastern Domestic Quarter (TSW5) 83 (Table 1), vol.84, pp.89-124

. Sagalassos, Upper Agora North Terrace (UAN), vol.82

, Sagalassos Potters' Quarter, vol.85

S. Ware, , vol.52, p.93

, Samaria 13

A. Samian-(sigillata and . Zahn, , vol.12, p.129

, Samos, vol.12, p.39

, Figs. 5-8), vol.56, p.57

, Schitul 43

, Smyrna, vol.44, p.191

, Susita (Sussita)/Hippos, vol.193, p.196

, Tas Silg, Malta, vol.35

, Tel Anafa, vol.89, p.90

, Terra Sigillata Italica, vol.73

, Th eos 39 n, p.24

, Troia Cf Ilion Wardt-Lüttingen, vol.45

, West Slope (decoration) 15, vol.16, p.140

, White Glazed Ware, vol.52, p.89