, We use the term dialect because this language is referred to as a dialect by its interlocutors. As we will show further on, like Italian -is a Latin-derived language on its own right, 2005.

. Coseriu, , 1981.

, The results of the survey can be found at the following link

, Bergamo is in Lombardy, the central northern region adjacent to Veneto

I. See, The Italian National Institute of Statistics) results published in 2006 at the following site

, Interestingly, groups that militate for the independence of Veneto show solidarity with other minority groups, such as the Scottish independentists, 2012.

, At the time of the recordings, his maternal grandparents moved to South Africa for professional reasons

, We did not perform the inter-rater agreement test for the utterances because this coding was automatically generated from the word assignment task. See Ghimenton (2013) for a detailed presentation and discussion of the methodology

, Considering the total number of utterances produced by each speaker, those who produced the highest number of dialect utterances were the grandparents and the aunt

, Francesco designated himself as Cecio 10. Henceforth, the letters in the square brackets refer to phonetic realizations

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