index - Laboratoire de psychologie Access content directly

The HAL LABPSY collection displays the scientific publications of the Laboratoire de pyshcologie de l'Université de Bordeaux deposited in OSKAR Bordeaux (Open Science Knowledge ARchive), the institutional open archive of the Université de Bordeaux, the Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Sciences Po Bordeaux, Bordeaux INP, Bordeaux Sciences Agro and partner ONRs. OSKAR Bordeaux is interoperable with HAL: all publications deposited in OSKAR Bordeaux are automatically exported to HAL. It aims to support the open science movement and offer an alternative to the dominant commercial publishing models.

The Psychology Laboratory's research activities are structured around two teams: "Processus fonctionnels et dysfonctionnels: Des cognitions aux comportements" and "Construction des personnes en contextes". The "Functional and Dysfunctional Processes: From Cognitions to Behaviors" team is divided into three programs: "Cognition: Functioning and Dysfunctions"; "Social Cognition"; "Adverse Experiences and Psychopathological Processes". The "Building people in contexts" team is divided into three programs: "Socialization, educational contexts and personal development"; "Psychosocial and socio-emotional development of adolescents and young adults in contexts"; "Transformation, innovation and inclusion at work".

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