- La Géometrie au Service du Numérique
- Langages de programmation : systèmes de types, concurrence, preuve de programme
- Langages de programmation, types, compilation et preuves
- Languages de Programmation Sécures et Outils pour la Sécurité
- Large Scale Collaborative Data Mining
- Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Applications
- Learning and recognition in vision
- Legal Issues in Communication and Information Technologies
- Les assistants à la démonstration au cœur du raisonnement mathématique
- Lifelong Autonomy and interaction skills for Robots in a Sensing ENvironment
- Linguistic signs, grammar and meaning: computational logic for natural language
- Linking Dynamic Data
- Lithe and fast algorithmic number theory
- Littoral, Environment: MOdels and Numerics
- Logic and computing
- Logical Networks: Self-organizing Overlay Networks and Programmable Overlay Computing Systems
- Logical Time for Formal Embedded System Design
- Logiciel : ANalyse et DEveloppement