Denise Pumain, a renowned French geographer, is a specialist in cities and urban systems of the world.
As a researcher at Géographie-cités of which she is also the co-founder, she produced innovative works on urban dynamics. Professor at the Paris 1 University, she has transmitted her knowledge and know-how in spatial analysis and urban geography to several generations of students.
While developing an original scientific path, which has led to the development of an evolutive theory on cities, she opened up to other disciplinary fields and contributed to the construction of complexity sciences.
As a founder of the Cybergeo: European journal of geography, which is in open access, the diffusion of scientific production is close to her heart.
This collection of open archives brings together all of her scientific production to date and is constantly being updated, with the ambition to give free access to a maximum of original texts.
To learn more about Denise Pumain
Last deposit
Juste Raimbault, Pierre-Olivier Chasset, Clémentine Cottineau, Hadrien Commenges, Denise Pumain, et al.. Empowering open science with reflexive and spatialised indicators. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2019, 48 (2), pp.239980831987081. ⟨10.1177/2399808319870816⟩. ⟨halshs-02274632⟩
Thomas Louail, Denise Pumain. Interaction d'ontologies informatique et géographique pour simuler des dynamiques multi-scalaires. Ontologies et modélisation par SMA en SHS (dir. Denis Phan), Hermès Science, 2014, Traité RTA, série Informatique et Systèmes d'Information. ⟨hal-03820224⟩
Christine Kosmopoulos, Natacha Aveline-Dubach, Colette Cauvin-Reymond, Bernard Elissalde, Maria Gravari-Barbas, et al.. Rapport final CybergeoNet - Traductions scientifiques. [Rapport de recherche] Ministère de la Recherche, de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de l'Innovation; ABES. 2021, 64 p. + 323 p. (annexes). ⟨halshs-03419355⟩
Denise Pumain. Les systèmes de villes et l’intelligence territoriale. Maturana Miranda F., Montoya G. J.W. Sistemas Urbanos en américa Latina, El Caribe e Estatos Unidos. Un balance en los albores del siglo XXI., Imago Mundi, Universidad nacional de Columbia, pp.13-26, 2021, Sistemas Urbanos en américa Latina, El Caribe e Estatos Unidos. Un balance en los albores del siglo XXI. ⟨halshs-03326935⟩
Juste Raimbault, Eric Denis, Denise Pumain. Empowering Urban Governance through Urban Science: Multi-Scale Dynamics of Urban Systems Worldwide. Sustainability, 2020, Economic Geography, Innovation, and Environmental Sustainability Transitions, 12 (15), pp.5954. ⟨10.3390/su12155954⟩. ⟨halshs-02908594⟩
Last publications of Denise Pumain in Cybergeo